Three Nigerian oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) companies are bidding for the maiden oil licensing round for oil blocks approved by the Ugandan government. The three companies were among seven prospective bidders which have been shortlisted.
Here are the names of the three Nigerian companies:
1) WalterSmith Petroman Oil Limited.
2) Oranto Petroleum International Limited.
3) Niger Delta Petroleum Resources Limited.
The Ugandan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development confirmed that it received bids from interested investors for the seven blocks located in the country’s Albertine Graben area.
Other firms that bid include two Australian firms – Armour Energy Limited and Swala Energy Limited, Rift Energy Corporation of Canada and Glint Energy LLC of USA.
All the applicants, who were among 16 potential bidders issued with the bidding documents on October 1, 2015, had met the February 26, 2016 deadline for the final submission of their bids for approval the ministry said.
The bidding document comprised the Request for Proposal, Model Production Sharing Agreement 2015 (MPSA), Model Confidentiality Agreement for sale of data, Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) (Data Sale) Regulations 2014 and Petroleum (Exploration, Development and Production) (Data Sale) (Amendment), Regulations 2015.
“Government will conclude the licensing round by negotiating with successful bidders, sign Production Sharing Agreements and award Exploration licenses by the end of June 2016,” the Permanent secretary said.
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