Mystery Billionaire Members Of “Stop Trump” Campaign Revealed
Earlier this month in “GOP Leaders, Tech Execs Plot Against Trump At Secret NeoCon Island Meeting,” we discussed the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum, an event held on Sea…
Read moreRon Paul Exposes Conservatives’ Budget Plans As Big Spending & Anti-Liberty
Submitted by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity, According to a recent poll, 73 percent of all Americans oppose increases in federal spending. Since this…
Read moreCuban Caption Contest: “Che-Che-Changes” Edition
Che-Che-Changes… “It’s a historic and very important visit. It’s the first time a US president will visit an independent Cuba,” the son of Ernesto “Che” Guevara tells the Guardian. “But…
Read moreThe (Mis)Uses Of Disorder
Submitted by Howard Kunstler via, Many thoughtful and patriotic citizens entering the Kubler-Ross free-fire zone of desperate bargaining with reality are at work attempting to chart an orderly course…
Read moreIf Hillary Isn’t Indicted, The Rule Of Law & The Republic Are Dead
Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, Once the Oligarchy is above the law, the Republic is already dead. To paraphrase Ernest Hemingway: How did you lose your Republic? Two…
Read moreGreece Orders Banks To Record “Personal Data” On Anyone Who Was Hoarding Cash
Over the course of documenting the ECB’s push to phase out the €500 note, we stumbled upon something rather interesting that’s taking place at Greek banks. Courtesy of a reader,…
Read moreMeet The Landlord Who Refuses To Rent To Supporters Of Donald Trump
By definition liberals, also known as the group which after establishment Republicans is most threatened by Donald Trump’s meteoric rise, are supposed to be… well… liberal, as in avoid prejudice…
Read moreStocks Edge Higher Despite Dismal Data & Hawkish Fed As Bonds & Bullion Slide
To sum up: China car sales crash by most on record (boom goes the overseas growth meme), US existing home sales plunge most in 6 years (boom goes the domestic…
Read moreThe 7-Deadly Investing Sins
Submitted by Lance Roberts via, I have often written about the emotional and psychological factors that inhibit long-term investment performance (most recently here). Despite repeated studies that suggest investors…
Read moreFormer PM Says Sweden Needs More Migrants: “Does Any Place Still Believe In Humanity?!”
Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city with around 150,000 people. That means more migrants entered the country last year than there are people in Uppsala. On a per capita basis,…
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