Why The EU Is Doomed
We are accustomed to looking at Europe’s woes in a purely financial context. This is a mistake, because it misses the real reasons why the EU will fail and not…
Read moreHaitian President Exposes Clinton Foundation: “Hillary Clinton Tried To Bribe Me!”
Former Haitian President of Senate is speaking out to tell the truth about Clinton Foundation at a Trump event! The former president said that Clinton was trying to buy him.…
Read moreRussia Accuses US Of Defending ISIS, After Pentagon Admits Coalition Jets Killed 62 Syrian Soldiers
Update 4: The Obama administration officially expressed it’s “regret” for an airstrike that killed Syrian forces with a senior White House official saying “The United States has relayed our regret…
Read more300,000 Join Massive Protests In Germany Against US-EU Corporate Trade Deals
Submitted by Nike Knight via TheAntiMedia.org, Hundreds of thousands took to city streets across Germany on Saturday as they marched against a pair of corporate-backed trade deals they say will…
Read moreTrump Surge Continues As Latest LA Times Poll Reveals Millennials Aren’t Hillary’s Only Problem
Yesterday, we highlighted Hillary’s growing “Millennial Problem” pointing out that her support among young voters seemingly collapsed at the same time she took her 9/11 “stumble” off the sidewalk (see: …
Read moreISIS Claims Credit For Stabbing Rampage In Minnesota Mall That Left 8 Injured And Attacker Dead
Update 1: ISIS has claimed credit for the stabbings in Minnesota calling the attacker a “soldier of the Islamic State.” ISIS has just claimed credit for the stabbing of 8…
Read moreHere’s What The Quants Are Missing
By Chris at www.CapitalistExploits.at Let’s play a game. Say you can only swim 1 kilometer and after that you’ll drown. If I drop you 990 meters offshore you’ll survive. You won’t…
Read moreWells Fargo: Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay
Authored by Mark St.Cyr, Unless you’re one of the few people still watching CNN, you may have missed what can only be one of the most scandalous in-house criminal activities…
Read moreIf “Everything’s So Awesome”, Explain This
It appears the American People are losing faith in the American Dream as no matter how much the American President tells the paeons that everything is awesome, they are just…
Read moreFooled Again
Authored by Chris Hedges, originally posted at TruthDig.com, The naive hopes of Bernie Sanders’ supporters – to build a grass-roots political movement, change the Democratic Party from within and push…
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