A few days ago, perhaps in anger, Nigeria’s famous gossip blogger, Linda Ikeji, wrote that she was single and happy and could buy any man if she wanted with her billion naira bank account balance and her one million twitter followers. I urge her not to buy any man yet because she does not need it.
Buying a man will not bring her happiness and fulfilment. It will only bring a guy who might not love her, someone she will not respect and will regard only as a mere commodity.
Looking at her latest pictures, I will say that Linda is pretty, and even gorgeous and does not need to spend a billion naira to attract guys.
Besides, she has a very successful story, her unique ability to turn her passion into a multi million naira business. She’s intelligent, smart, successful and does not need to buy love with cash. She’s known by millions of people across Nigeria and beyond and her brand is respected. She has value and cannot afford to buy a man who might not know his left from right.
The right guy will come at the right time. He will come for who she is and not what she has. Money comes and goes and a relationship which is based only on cash collapses once money is no more.
A true relationship is built on likeness, trust, respect, friendship, love and constant positive communication to iron out differences.
If she went ahead to buy a guy now, the guy won’t feel worthy and may suffer from inferiority complex.
When challenges come, and they always come, she may quickly remind him he acquired him with money or he may often feel she’s mistreating him because of the billion naira she spent on him.
So, I urgently urge her not to give in to pressure to buy a man that may not understand her passion for blogging, her love for telling stories and changing lives.
She should remain focused, and before long, she will find and be found by a guy worthy of respect and confident that he’s a success himself.
Linda, do not, I repeat, do not buy any guy. That investment is not worth your brand and achievements.
Published on: March 4, 2016