NNPC has released its 2015 Full year report posting a whopping N267 billion loss. This was the first time in decades that Nigerians are seeing NNPC’s results. Here are the key highlights;
- According to the report total of 706,242,496 barrels of crude were lifted during the year
- Value of crude lifted for the year was $37,558,046,367
- Three of the countries three refineries posted combined losses of N82 billion.
- KRPC, PHRC and WRPC posted losses of N34.6, N23 billion and N24.3 billion respectively
- PPMC also posted a loss after subsidy of N57 billion during the year
- The biggest contributor to the loss was however its Company Head Quarters which posted a loss of N162.7 billion
- The report did not show operating expenses which would have shed more light into how efficient its operations are.
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