Buhari and Zuma in Abuja
President Jacob Zuma of South Africa had barely arrived Nigeria when President Muhammadu Buhari told him the failure by MTN, South Africa’s telecommunications giant, to deactivate unregistered lines in Nigeria helped Boko Haram terrorists kill thousands of Nigerians.
The Nigerian government had fined MTN 3.9 billion dollars but the company has only paid about 200 million dollars while it is trying to negotiate with the government to reduce the fine.
MTN also started, some months, registering all its users all over again.
Some observers had argued that the broke Nigerian government only used the Boko Haram alibi to get billions of dollars from a foreign company now that oil prices are low.
There has not been any public evidence linking unregistered lines with the insurgency in Nigeria’s northeast, and since the fine was handed down, hundreds have been killed in many attacks.
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Published on: March 10, 2016